For generations us men have worked, subconsciously or not, to build a patriarchal hegemony. Men, it is time to break this cycle and uplift our sisters for a better future.
But How?
It starts with acknowledgement of privilege. Every aspect of our society has been designed with men's interests at the center. Language, family structure, politics, economy, they all have been designed by men, for men. This is not your fault. However, simply acknowledging this fact will get you moving in the right direction.
Next we must stand in solidarity with our sisters and demand equal rights, freedoms, respect and power. We must go arm in arm in the fight for justice. Recognition of injustice must be followed by actions against it. It is not enough to show sympathy to the fight,
When will men drop their arms
Stop using bodies as weapons
Or props
Pry open our rusted gates
Remove the masks
Offer the world our softness
-Carlos Andrés Gómez
Men must address their own toxic masculinities. If men are to pass step one and recognize that the world that we live in has been created under a patriarchal ideal, than what fundamental and foundational roles do we play in it? An extrospection understanding of the patriarchy must be teamed with an introspection perspective.
We must understand the intersectionality of the fight for justice and freedom for ALL women. Not all women are fighting the same fight. Women have identities other than gender and experience injustices differently, therefore the approach to universal justice must be accepting of all women.
"Gender and racial equity are intertwined and inextricably linked, and this is the moment for us to center the needs and voices of women of color."
-Cherita Ellens, President & CEO of Women Employed; and Felicia Davis, President & CEO of Chicago Foundation for Women
Finally, be a part of the solution! Innaction is unacceptable to any man who cares to advance the work of women's justice and equality. We must practice transforming our masculinities, away from patriarchal gender norms and towards equalities across all spectrums. Listen to the women in your life and hear their pains and struggles. Remain open mindedly aware of the unintentional biases that society has ingrained in you. Do not pretend to know it all, because you don't. In the fight for gender equality, men are the infantry, and women are the Generals.